Goldenaster (or golden aster) is a common name for yellow, perennial flowers of the Sunflower family (Asteracea).
Goldenaster is also the common name for any species in the Chrysopsis genus.
CHRYSOPSIS (Nuttall) Elliott, Sketch Bot. S. Carolina 2: 333. 1823, nom. cons. vs. Diplopappus Cassini 1817, et vs. Diplogon Rafinesque 1819.
Full Citation for Chrysopsis
Of all species of Goldenaster, those that can be found on the Lake Wales Ridge are:
Chrysopsis delaneyi DELANEY’S
Chrysopsis highlandsensis HIGHLANDS
Chrysopsis latisquamea PINELAND
Chrysopsis linearifolia subsp. dressii DRESS’
Chrysopsis mariana MARYLAND
Chrysopsis scabrella COASTALPLAIN
Chrysopsis subulata SCRUBLAND