Longleaf Pine, American Turkey Oak, and Wiregrass (Aristida beyrichiana) are three of the most important staples in Central Florida’s xeric upland scrub and sandhill habitats. Have Three Psilos, Inc. install Wiregrass at your site.
Wiregrass is a 3 to 5 ft.-tall native warm-season perennial bunch grass. Wiregrass is a base fuel for a fire-dependent ecosystem and the habitat it provides for wildlife such as Bob-White Quail and the endangered Gopher Tortoises (Gopherus polyphemus).
Your Wiregrass installation location will be marked with high-precision GNSS, surveyor-grade markings, and cage as needed to protect your installation. Your Wiregrass installation will include at least one out-planting started from seed, along with extra seeds added at the time of installation to promote future success at the location. This is per installation, where you will have at least one healthy Wiregrass plant installed along with extra Wiregrass seeds in an area of your choice approximately one square yard/meter in size. Success is virtually assured because we can always try again, or in a slightly different location to promote long-term success. Usually, native wildflowers useful to the Gopher Tortoise are included with the seeds in some small percentage.
Wiregrass may require unique management not covered by the usual lawn maintenance methods. Then again, a lawn mower might be just the thing to promote flowering in spring without the use of fire. We recommend, however, carefully controlled burns following your counties “yard waste” rules. Soon Three Psilos, Inc. will be able to help even with these kinds of services.
Three Psilos, Inc. can help you get the world you’ve always wanted.
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