The 14 Oak Species of the Lake Wales Ridge

12. Quercus geminata

Another white scrub oak that is known only as Sand Live Oak. It is certainly a dwarf variety of Live Oak (Quercus virginiana). It is the most commonly occurring of the Quercus species in scrubs and sandhills.

Sand Live Oak, and its leaf litter, tend to suppress fire where they are found. They also tend to outgrow everything in fire-suppressed areas, turning everything into a hammock, sometimes mistakenly called “flatwoods.”

While Sand Live Oak are small in areas that do burn, they can still grow up to 50 feet over hundreds of years.

24. Trees, usually 3 m tall or more when mature. 25. Leaf blade margins strongly revolute; secondary veins impressed on the upper leaf blade surface; many rays of the stellate hairs not appressed to the lower leaf blade surface

Typical Sand Live Oak leaves. Note Leafy Oak Gall Wasp (light green tufts) and intertwined American Turkey Oak (Q. laevis) leaves.

Sand Live Oak are host plant to the Gray Hairstreak (Strymon melinus).